
  • While working on it more I played around with the tools such as the Invert tool and it is very helpful. I had a process of what to do since I didn’t really have an idea of what to use so I had trying to understand the tools i can use on photoshop to make cubism art.

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  • a concept I would like to do for this project is Pablo Picasso’s style of cubism.



Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (The Young Ladies of Avignon) 

I was mostly thinking of using this painting as a reference, because i like the idea that Picasso put fruit still life while having figures in the back. Like it’s not completely cubism, because of the fruit but it is from how the shapes of the figures, values, the fruit, and even the back ground are all made out of shapes that give off a sense of setting of what is going on and helps me think of my own narration. That is exactly what I would like to try to accomplish.

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